The largest database of Vue.js jobs available

A curated list of Vue.js jobs from around the world. Browse through 958 jobs available in our database.

958 jobs available
958 more jobs available

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  • Unlimited access to jobs database
  • New jobs added every day
  • Jobs extracted from company career pages
  • New companies discovered every week
430 new jobs discovered in the last 30 days

Frequently Asked Questions

TLDR; you save tons of time. Job hunting is a very time consuming and boring task. Browsing through job boards/career pages/linkedin/etc... is hard and filtering is commonly not powerful enough. We do all the hard work for you by aggregating all the jobs from your favourite stack in one place.
Our job listings come directly from companies' Applicant Tracking Systems and career platforms, ensuring authentic, current content. We avoid web crawlers and third-party sites, guaranteeing high-quality, direct job listings.
We use a combination of AI and human intelligence to classify jobs based on the technologies mentioned in the job description. We are constantly improving our algorithms to provide the most accurate results.
New jobs are being added every day. As of now, we run our extractors twice a day but we plan to increase the frequency in the future.
Traditional job boards are commonly listing jobs once a company has paid for posting it. This is costly, not all jobs get advertised and does not guarantee that the job opening is recent. We are actively extracting job listings from the web from a large variety of sources on a daily basis. These jobs are added to our AI pipeline to be intelligently filtered and categorized in order to keep only those that matter.
Yes. You can cancel your subscription at any time. Just access to your billing portal in "Settings > Billing". You will continue to have access to the platform until the end of your billing cycle.


We believe that you should be able to use your favourite stack at work. That's why we made a platform that helps you find all the Vue.js jobs and its ecosystem available on the internet.

A curated list of jobs from your favourite stack

Job hunting is hard. We make it easier by curating a list of jobs from all over the internet and making them available to you in one place.

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Discover jobs within hours of going live

Companies receive hundreds of applications for each role. Stand out by appliying first.

32 minutes ago
2 hours ago
5 hours ago

Avoid recruiters and apply directly to companies.

We extract jobs directly from career pages. No recruiters, no middlemen. Apply directly thorugh the company application pipeline.

Filter out jobs not matching your stack

Recruiters often mix stack requirements. We help you filter out those jobs that mention Vue.js but don't require it.

Overmixed stack requirements
...experience with Vue.js or React or Angular or Svelte
Vue.js only jobs
...experience with Vue.js and Nuxt
...looking for a Vue.js dev..